Wednesday, June 4, 2008

#8) The Indian Baby Dropping Ritual

Throwing a baby off a roof is crazier than bat shit.

In the Indian province of Maharashtra, adults take infant children and throw them off of a 50-foot building, catching them with a sheet like some kind of Loony Toons clown act, "to ensure longevity and health."

Now, to any sane, rational human being, throwing a baby off of a roof would seem to do exactly the opposite of ensuring that it stays alive. In fact, it seems like a very good way to make sure that baby dies right quick.

This ritual has somehow been taking place for centuries at a Muslim temple in the Musti village of Maharashtra. Parents that want to have their baby "blessed", i.e. thrown from the roof of said temple, pray at the Baba Shiekh Umar Shaeb Dargah temple, and then the tossing begins.

Coincidentally, the prayers are to thank god for giving them a healthy baby. "Oh yeah god? Well how do you like them apples?" Toss.

Can you imagine this happening in, say, Chicago?

American #1: "Oh, what are you doing today?"

American #2: "I'm going to go throw some babies off of a roof for God."

American #1: "Cool. Wanna grab a drink after?"

The only person who might be able to get away with saying something like that and not going to prison is probably Paula Abdul. Because no one can ever understand what she's talking about anyway.

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