Wednesday, June 25, 2008

#14) Chicken-Fried Bacon

Taking strips of cured pork fat and coating them in batter and deep frying them in crazier than bat shit.

Putting those strips of "chicken-friend" bacon into your mouth, chewing and swallowing is a feat on par with the kind of crazy exhibited by the dudes who win the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

This Texan has what has to be the artery-cloggingest restaurant in the entire world. It makes Popeye's look like health food. It makes the 45-million calorie Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion look like celery sticks. It is evidence of a sick and depraved society in which anything goes and gluttony reigns supreme. It kind of makes us throw up in our mouths a little bit, and we thought that bacon made everything better. Fail!

Eating this crap is almost as bat shit crazy as smoking, but it doesn't make Hall of Fame because well, its pretty easy to stay away from Texas and if you happen to consume Chicken Fried Bacon on some weird Acid-flashback munchie binge, you can always purge and pretend that didn't happen.

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