Tuesday, June 17, 2008

#10) Japanese Game Shows

Japanese game shows are crazier than bat shit.

Mostly because they combine both the weird perversions of the Japanese with a language most white people can't understand and antics you haven't seen since Double Dare.

The Japanese are masters of the Physical Challenge, which if you are over the age of 25, you know involves whipped cream, chocolate sauce, cherries, whiffle bats and a slide. Add to that the borderline comic hyper-sexuality of the Japanese and a touch of Hello Kitty and you've got yourself some quality television.

The first time I saw a Japanese game show I was in a pool hall in Washington D.C. waiting for a table and one came on the TV behind the bar. It was a dating show where two groups of men were competing for a chance to date a Japanese girl.

In one group, fat men had to try and climb up hill, almost naked, on a giant slip-n-slide covered with oil. In the other, skinny men with mattresses strapped to their bodies had to compete in a race while being blown back by a giant fan. It's simultaneously so un-PC and so accepting of everyone's limitations that it makes you smile in the way that the Special Olympics kind of makes you laugh a little bit on the inside. So precious.

This clip is even better.

In this one, Japanese women dressed in French Maid costumes take turns getting dizzy by spinning around with their foreheads on baseball bats and then bowling. Have you ever watched a dizzy Japanese maid try and bowl? We highly recommend it.

It's such bat shit genius that it makes American game shows look almost smart in comparison. Are you smarter than a fifth grader? Probably not, but at least we won't make you wear next to nothing and step on a giant scale on national television while you cry about how fat you are. Oh wait. We do that.

Bat shit.

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